General information:
The Central Driver Service Department (CDOK) is located at Fuel Base No. 4 in Rejowiec and deals in particular with:
- registration of driver and vehicle master data,
- issuing driver and vehicle cards,
- remote cooperation with drivers,
- handling issuing orders for road transport.
The Central Driver Service Department handles drivers and vehicles as well as product releases for road transport at the following Fuel Bases:
- Fuel Base no. 1 in Koluszki:
- Fuel Base no. 2 in Nowa Wieś Wielka
- Fuel Base no. 3 in Boronów
- Fuel Base no. 4 in Rejowiec
- Fuel Base no. 5 in Emilianów
- Fuel Base no. 6 in Skarżysko Kościelne
- Fuel Base no. 9 in Wola Rzędzińska
- Fuel Depot No. 10 in Kawice
- Fuel Depot No. 14 in Strzemieszyce
- Fuel Depot No. 15 in Narewka
- Fuel Depot No. 21 in Debogórze
- Fuel Depot No. 22 in Małaszewicze
Documents and instructions
The procedure, responsibility and obligations of the Carrier, the Driver and the Company in the fuel collection process by road transport are defined under the “Regulations of self-service fuel collection Fuel Bases of PERN S.A. with the use of proximity cards. Version 3”.
Regulations Version 3 with appendices
Driver and vehicle registration
- Driver and vehicle registration can be made by a person authorised by a Carrier.
- Please send a scanned copy of the registration request together with appendices to .
- Please send information up-date request together with appendices to the above-specified e-mail address.
Application forms – for print
Authorisation of the carrier’s employee
Application for CDOK driver registration
Application for CDOK vehicle registration
Application forms – interactive form
Letter of authorisation from a member of the carrier’s staff – DOWNLOAD
Application for CDOK driver registration – DOWNLOAD
Application for CDOK vehicle registration – DOWNLOAD
Instructions and brochures:
Instructions on how to complete the application for CDOK driver registration
Instructions on how to complete the application for CDOK vehicle registration
Driver’s Multimedia Kiosk Instructions
Release disposition (for the submitter):
All-purpose release disposition – for print
All-purpose release disposition – interactive form
Correspondence Address
Centralny Dział Obsługi Kierowcy PERN S.A.
Baza Paliw nr 4 w Rejowcu
62-093 Rejowiec
Telephone and fax
telephone 61 812 49 77
fax 61 812 43 10
- Registration, updating, deregistration of a driver and a vehicle.
- Issuing driver and vehicle cards.
- Information on the driver and vehicle registration process.
- Up-to-date information on the process of fuel release for road transport.
- Handling the release orders for road transport.
- Carrier Portal and eKiosk handling.
Tomasz Domański – Head of Customer Service
tel. 61 812 49 77