Crude oil storage

An inherent part of the crude oil transmission system are the fuel bases. PERN has 4 bases dedicated to crude oil storage, with a total capacity of over 4 million m3.
The largest of these is located near Płock in Miszewko Strzałkowskie. Others are located in Adamowo near the border with Belarus and two bases located in Gdańsk, near Naftoport.
- Miszewko Strzałkowskie Base near Płock – PERN Bases
- Adamowo Base – PERN Bases
- Gdańsk Base – PERN Bases
- Gdańsk Oil Terminal – PERN Bases
Oil is stored in cylindrical steel tanks with capacities ranging from 32,000 to 100,000 m³. Each and every one of them meets applicable safety and environmental requirements.
Both mandatory and operational oil stocks can be stored at PERN bases.
The service of storing mandatory stocks is provided to customers who must comply with the statutory obligation to create mandatory stocks (Act “On stocks of crude oil, petroleum products and natural gas and the principles of proceeding in situations of threat to the state’s fuel security and disturbances on the oil market” of 16 February 2007, as amended).
In addition, PERN provides its customers with an operational storage service, ensuring the efficient execution of the pumping process and allowing the storage of crude oil intended for current processing at refineries. The operational storage service enables flexible supply planning and efficient operation of refineries.
The quality of crude oil supplied to the PERN system is supervised by specialised laboratory services. PERN S.A. laboratories are certified for accreditation by the Polish Centre for Accreditation (PCA).